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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.08.08 17:49. Заголовок: Долги. Система Бунов (boons)

Сообщество каинитов отличается от сообщества смертных в некоторых аспектах социального взаимодействия. Там, где люди дали бы взятку, либо с другой стороны получили бы деньги, вещи или еду, вампиры не будут заинтересованы в подобном. Поэтому огромную роль у них играет система Долгов, где все опутаны ими. На каждом практически висит Долг к другому.

In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You'll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You'll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, you'll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway. Спасибо: 0 
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.08.08 17:52. Заголовок: Пять градаций долгов..

Пять градаций долгов

Тривиальный Дар
Я сделаю одноразовую услугу особе, коей я должен этот дар. Я помогу ей, защищая его, если у меня нет причин так поступить, даже если это вызовет противоречие со стороны других. Я соглашусь использовать для него дисциплину для него, когда это будет ему необходимо. Я поддержу его политический маневр в ночь воззвания, даже вопреки моему Клану, или Князю. Это единичная услуга, которую я должен и по воззванию его к ней, мы в расчете. Однако я не поставлю себя в позицию, чтобы иметь возможность преступить свое слово, ни предам я мой Клан, ни Князя, ни Клятвы верности данные мной.

Малый Дар
Я приложу усилия, выплачивая сей долг: я принес множество неудобств тому, кому я должен этот Дар, прошением оказать мне услугу впереди других. Я понимаю, что я могу быть также побеспокоен его просьбой, и сделать одолжение ему в первую очередь. Я понимаю, что он может просить меня об ответных услугах. Если будет необходимо, я обеспечу ему безопасный проход по враждебному городу. Я открою ему тайны, открытие которых может нести опасность членам моего Клана, или жителям Владения. Я уничтожу его врагов, кем бы они ни были. Я обеспечу ему физическую безопасность на многие ночи – все это я согласен сделать, ибо я испросил такого же для себя у того, кому я должен.

Значительный Дар
Я признаю, что нахожусь в огромном долгу перед тем, кому я должен сей Дар. Он отдал много времени, усилий и пошел на компромисс со многим, из того, во что он верит, чтобы предоставить мне эту услугу; я, в свою очередь, поступлю также. Я понимаю, что если потребуется, я даже научу его силам, что Становление подарило мне. Я помогу ему в любой политической цели, им преследуемой, даже если это будет означать открытое противостояние с моим Князем, или моим Кланом. Я, буде он того пожелает, найду или отдам ему любую собственность, принадлежащую мне, или ту, что он возжелает, даже если это произойдет за счет других.

Дар Крови
Я признаю, что тот, кому я должен этот Дар – тот кому я многое должен, возможно больше чем смогу когда-либо заплатить. Я в долгу ныне – мое нынешнее существование зависит от него. Так, я должен ему то что не смогу никогда оплатить. Я подвергну себя опасности ради него, и если моя кровь прольется – мне не будет до этого дела. Если это значит, что я предам моих Клан и Князя и низведу их, мне не будет до этого дела. Он сделал то же для меня, и я принимаю то что сделаю это для него.

Дар Жизни
Я должен кому-то Дар Жизни; моя жизнь принадлежит ему; моя воля принадлежит ему; мое тело принадлежит ему. Долг мой неоплатен, если только лишь я не спасу его жизнь. Я в его распоряжении; я лишь орудие его воли; он правит мной и дает мне цель в жизни. Я сделаю все, что он у меня попросит, и если это будет означать мою смерть, будет так – я живу только ради него, и значит моя жизнь в его распоряжении.

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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.08.08 17:53. Заголовок: Boons “The Boon sys..


“The Boon system has created a race of beings who owe loyalty to leaders they do not respect and would often gladly tear down. Unlike human political factions, which are often designed to promote inspirational leadership based upon trust, Cainite political systems promote treacherous leadership based on fear. Betrayals are common in the Camarilla, as are reprisals for betrayal.”

-Storyteller’s Handbook, First Edition. Page 66.

Boons are the currency of the Kindred. If no one owes you a Boon, then you are broke. Remember that. Boons are how the society works. If we look OOC at the campaign around us, we notice a situation where younger and weaker Kindred outnumber older more powerful ones three to one if not more. So how do the older Kindred keep everyone under control? Boons.

Boons are all. They are the single most important way the Camarilla is run. They are the only way a younger Kindred can rise in power. There is no such thing as a favor among the Kindred, there is only Boons.

Boons allow you do things. You can ask an Elder something; but they can refuse; if they owe you a Boon, you can force them to do it. There are other options... you could always do it yourself. No doubt this means you have a hugely powerful PC who has a sheet that is twice the size of the Justicar’s and could take on Caine in a straight fight. Good for you... now please leave! The Camarilla is designed so that everyone needs to do deals. Boons are the currency of the Cainites.

Unless you tell someone about your Boon it doesn’t exist. Boons have to be registered, and the natural people to keep track of Boons are the Harpies. Harpies need to keep records of everyone’s Boons. Several Harpies do so formally -- it is said the Chief Harpy of Dublin carries a large book into which is added each Boon between every resident of that city. Sometimes there is no suitable Harpy to do such a thing- at times like these the Followers of Set are more than happy to offer their services (for a trivial Boon, of course!).

In certain cases, clever Kindred do not register their Boons with their own Harpy, but rather with Harpies outside their Domain. This way, no one knows who has a record of who owes whom. Another way to register Boons is to have it publicly announced; if it is publicly announced to and by the Harpy, the Boon is registered. Only in the case of secret deals does writing it down become important. A few enterprising Kindred merely write down the Boon and get the Boon giver to sign it along with a witness. The importance of making sure a record of the Boon exists cannot be underestimated. If there is no record of the Boon there is nothing to make other Kindred uphold it.

This leads into the nastiest part of all this... not keeping a promise. Failing to respond to a Boon is a really bad thing. If someone is discovered to have defaulted then they get it in the neck. They are undermining the currency of the Camarilla - all it takes is for many to do this and Boons become worthless.

Those who do face a harsh IC penalty- immediately they are considered to have lost all their Status; they should be ostracized, exile from their home Domain is to be considered a good thing. Their assets and goods are free to be seized by any Kindred: their Ghouls, their Influences, their money -- all of it is open to be taken. Some old-fashioned Princes may even use this as an excuse to have them Bloodhunted. It’s that’s nasty and that simple. If you owe, you had better pay... or else you lose EVERYTHING.

Primogen who refuse their debts are automatically assumed to be representing their entire Clans locally. Princes will suffer an automatic motion of Bad Standing that does not require a Symposium to ratify. If a Prince defaults and is publicly announced to have defaulted, the Bad Standing is automatically assumed to have passed. On the other hand, if the Prince has been lied about and it is proven that they where lied about, then the one who brought the allegation- another Prince, suffers the same fate! Clan Heads are judged the same way, with the added effect of the entire Clan receiving the same punishment.

There is a weakness here: Someone could say someone else has defaulted when they haven’t. That is called false witness. Bring false witness against someone and you are killed… simple as that... no appeal, no bloodhunt. Everyone knows you brought false witness, and they know you have to die In order to prevent false witness from ever happening, it has led to both parties making damn sure that either the Boons are announced or that both are there when it is recorded.

Let’s get things into some kind of scale. 95% of Boons should be between levels one to three (trivial, minor and major Boons). Rank Four (blood) Boons should be RARE! As for Life Boons... Life Boons should be like diamonds. When you have a Life Boon, you own someone. It’s not nice! With a life Boon you can have a Kindred do anything you want; they must do it unless they somehow save your life... which won’t happen, as you are now making them take all the risks..

If the Clan Head of the Ventrue ends up owing a Life Boon to someone, it puts the Ventrue into a very difficult position. That person can make the Clan Head do anything he wants -- even betray his Clan -- and the Ventrue HAVE to live with it. If the Clan Head ignores the Boon... that would be worse. The prudent response would be to get a new Clan Head. The old one has fallen out of favor.

The best thing about holding a Court position is that it automatically allows you collect Boons. If a Primogen has a Clan Member who wishes to petition a Prince, he may charge them a Boon. All those stuff and nonsense about Clan Loyalty can only go so far -- consider the argument that members of a Clan should not charge each other Boons a bit like saying no American should pay another American any wages because they are working in the same country. Boons are currency, and a Kindred must make a living!

Princes have the best position of all. Acknowledging a Kindred is the only duty they do for free; after that everything comes with a price. Someone wants to Sire? That’s a Boon. Someone wants to establish a new haven in another part of town? Boon. Someone wants to be Sheriff but not be thralled? Boon. A non-Camarilla Kindred wants to live in your Domain? Yes, you guessed it, a Boon. This way Princes collect many Boons -- they either use them to prevent Praxis seizures or they allow someone else take over and quietly run things from the shadows. If the Prince doesn’t charge Boons -- guess what? He’s WEAK. A Prince without Boons, is a rich man without money. They look the part but have no power to back it up.

An important clarification: When a Prince asks you to do something, he can get out of it being a Boon by saying it is to do with the security of the Domain. A Domain is a Prince’s concern, so it can be said that asking for a Boon can be seen as undermining the Princes right to rule... which is not a good thing. One can only charge a Boon to the Prince if you are doing a personal favor.

Also, the Justicar and the Archons never do Boons. They are above Boons. They don’t do favors. They do their duty. They don’t accept favors. If you help them it is because if you don’t they get to hurt you. Lots. And then some. Justicars and Archons don’t need Boons. They have might and the entire Camarilla backing them up. Archons tend to have more leeway to bargain and deal on a personal level, but they also can always take the same approach that a Prince has, they can get out of it by saying that it has to do with the security of the Sect of the sanctity of a Tradition.
What Am I Letting Myself In For?

The hardest thing about Boons for many players is getting a sense of perspective on them, what each Boon means to the person giving the Boon. Below are suggested guidelines to understand what it means when you give a Boon.

By taking this Boon I understand that...

Trivial Boon

I shall do a one-time favor for the person to whom I owe this Boon. I shall aid him by protecting him when I have no reason to do that, even if it places me into conflict with people. I shall agree use a discipline for him if he requires it. I shall support his political maneuver this night even if it means I have to fly in the face of my Clan or my Prince. It is a single favor that I owe- once he has called it in, it is cancelled. I will not place myself in a position to break my word, however, nor will I betray my Clan or My Prince or any Oaths of loyalty I have taken.

Minor Boon

I shall endeavor to fulfil the dept I owe: I have inconvenienced the person who I owe this boon by asking him to do the favor for me in the first place. I understand that I may be inconvenienced by the favors he asks back in return. If need be, I will secure his safe passage into a hostile city. I shall reveal unto him secrets I know that could endanger members of my Clan or my Domain. I shall destroy his enemies, whomever they may be. I shall offer physical protection for many nights -- this I accept because I asked roughly the same of the one I owe.

Major Boon

I shall accept that I have earned a great dept to the one to whom I owe this Boon. He has given much time, effort and compromised perhaps many things he believes in to give me this favor; thus I do return it. I understand that if required I would even teach him the immortal powers that the Embrace conferred upon me. I shall aid him in whatever political goal he so desires, even if this means openly standing against my Prince or my Clan. I would, if he so wished, locate for him or give him property I own or which he would wish, even if gaining this property is taken at the expense of another.

Blood Boon

I do accept that the person to whom I owe this Boon to is one to whom I owe many thing, perhaps more than can ever be repaid. I am in the debt now- my current existence was dependant upon him. Thus, I owe him things that can never be repaid. I will place myself in danger for him; if my Blood is shed, then I care not. If this means I betray my Clan and Prince and bring him low, I care not. He has done the same for me, so I accept that I shall do it for him.

Life Boon

I owe someone a life boon; my life is his; my will is his; my body is his. the dept I owe can never be repaid, lest somehow I save his life. I am his to command; I am but a tool for his will; he rules me and he gives me purpose. I shall do whatever is asked of me, and if this means that I am to die then so be It- I live only because of him and thus my life is his to command.

As you can see, once you get above minor Boons you start being in a position where everything you hold dear can be destroyed.

Many would respond by reading the above and shaking their head and saying “I am not ever gonna owe ANYONE a Boon”. Many Princes and Primogen fear such characters, and not owing a Boon can be seen as a disadvantage: If you owe no one a Boon, you are a wildcard. A title such as Sheriff or Harpy or Primogen should never be given unto you, for you have nothing to moderate your bestial side.
Additional Boons

This is a silly situation but one that happens often. Kindred A wants a favor of Kindred B. Kindred B charges a minor Boon . Later, Kindred A wants another favor -- another minor one. Kindred B could charge another Boon, but what would be better is if they agree that Kindred A now owes Kindred B a major Boon. Additional favors may build it up to a Blood Boon. The final level is always either a Blood Boon or a Life Boon. Once Kindred A has sworn to that level it is unimportant what is agreed to, as Kindred A belongs to Kindred B.

OK, now there is something not being said in the above passage. Something is being missed that is without doubt one of the most important factors of Camarilla society and one of the reason why violence becomes so rare in area where the protocols are strictly adhered to. That is compensation.

A Boon is an investment. You never know what you may need a Boon for- so you take a Boon out with as many people as possible. But Boons don’t really work if the person who owes you a Boon is killed; once they are gone the Boon you where owed is lost. Right?

Not so. Think about it like this: That Boon was an investment that you had simply not cashed in yet. Now someone has destroyed your investment, and they have to compensate you -- usually to the same degree of the Boon they just cost you. If you kill someone who owed someone else a Boon, they have the right to ask you to now compensate them by owning them a Boon (usually the same amount but at times more). If you fail to compensate them, you will be treated as someone who will not uphold Boons. Remember that the entire economy of the Kindred depends upon everyone placing Boons high above all else. Failure to give them due reverence leads always to the hardest penalties (the weakest case- that of a trivial Boon being ignored by a neonate say can be dealt with as described above in the Harpies section).

So the upshot is- be careful whom you strike against, for you may find you have slain your worst foe, only now to owe someone else a major Boon because you did so.

The real secret to all this is that clever, ingenious or sneaky Kindred may actually seek out powerful, hated or influential Kindred and offer to be in their debt in order to use their name as protection. That annoying Anarch in the corner may be ripe for a good kicking -- but if he suddenly announces that he owes a Minor Boon to Samuel Ward, a major Boon to Prince Romanov of Atlanta, or a life Boon to Xavier Luxembourg, you must realize that if you destroy him you will owe that person a Boon. Indeed, powerful Kindred may well find many seeking to offer their service by way of a Boon to them, in order to access this very protection. Thus some give Boons but rarely, some accept all petitions, and thus collect power and influence around them like a vortex of some kind. Because they are Elders people perceive that they have power; so they give them Boons, so their power grows, so that more give them Boons etc.

This system has many names -- the most common and most realistic is patronage. Which is what it is… pure, mediaeval patronage and feudalism. Thus is the power of the Camarilla maintained.

The only people who are immune to paying compensation are Princes, Archons, and Justicars. If someone breaks a Prince's laws, and the Prince kills them, then the investment is lost; the same applies to Archons and Justicars.

Also, don’t forget that if your Domain comes into Bad Standing among other Domains, your Boons are invalidated until it is lifted. Making sure that your Prince remains in good standing is vitally important. Of course you could always swear loyalty to another Prince and leave your old Domain -- and the other Prince will accept you... for a Boon...

In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You'll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You'll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, you'll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway. Спасибо: 0 
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.08.08 12:42. Заголовок: Откуда взялась эта а..

Откуда взялась эта ахинея времен первой редакции???

We all deserve to die. Even you. Even I. Спасибо: 0 
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 17.08.08 01:59. Заголовок: Ну хорошо, будем дел..

Ну хорошо, будем делать по старинке:

-гы, я Носфер, я достал вам эту инфу, дайте денег!

-хей, так уж и быть я посмотрю своим Ауспексом внутрь этого кольца, вот только это...ээ....десять кусков зелени будет стоить....

А вот если Герант скажет, что блин, почему только деньги. Он сделает за эту услугу для нас пантакль, либо он поможет нам своими людьми и связями, либо он будет с нами драться против них, так в итоге мы и получим эти Буны!!!! (одноразовая услуга, открытие тайн, обеспечение безопасности)

In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You'll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You'll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, you'll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway. Спасибо: 0 
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 17.08.08 14:06. Заголовок: Ну да,ну да. Деньги ..

Ну да,ну да. Деньги - это зло, порядочному каиниту не нужное...
Ладно, если мы используем эту систему:
- Я достал вам инфу. По нынешнему курсу ниформации этототируется как "малый дар". Поэтому вот я вам инфу достал, и теперь мы сейчас пойдем к Чуваку, Который В Городе Все Долги записывает, и он отметит, что, дескать, вы мне торчите Малый Дар. А Я этот Малый Дар ,который вы мне должны, передаю одному малку,ибо я ему тоже Малый Дар должен, поэтому вы кагбэ ему его торчите. Но для этого нужно в городской Книге Долгов все это отметить, потому как ежели не отметить, то никакого долга кагбэ и нет.
В любом случае, деньги - универсальный эквивалент обмена. Ежели деньги субьекту не нужны, он за услугу потребует не деньги, а то, что сам захочет. Все равно, нет никакого механизма, который бы придавал бунам реальную ценность и делал бы их настоящей валютой. Ибо ежели кому-то услугу оказал, а он, когда ты к нему за ответой обратился, послал тебя натрибуквы, ему всме равно ничего не будет за это.
Короче, система громоздкая и неюзабильная. Так что будем по старнинке. Услуга за услугу, но в индивидуальном порядке. Ежели ты умудрился доказать свою ценность партнеру по сделке, то он сам будет заинтересован в предоставлении тебе ответных услуг.

We all deserve to die. Even you. Even I. Спасибо: 0 
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 17.08.08 17:35. Заголовок: Ну я не говорю что з..

Ну я не говорю что здесь нет огрехов, но можно обратить внимание не на запись Даров в какой то книге, а на оглашение чьего то долга перед кем то при дворе при обоюдном согласии. И это все очень достойно вписывается в Дороги Королей, дуэли и прочее. Слово чести.
Вот какой это вид может иметь в Dark Ages. А те, кто ложил/клал на чье то или свое слово, те и будут продолжать это делать, либо делать за монеты.
И громоздкого ничего не вижу.

In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You'll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You'll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, you'll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway. Спасибо: 0 
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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 17.08.08 18:35. Заголовок: Для Дороги Королей н..

Для Дороги Королей нарушение Слова - один из базовых грехов. Так что опасаясь Дегенерации они и так будут его держать, без того, чтобы Догл где-то записывали.

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